Literary visions
Examines three major genres of literature, short fiction, poetry and drama, and discusses literary elements such as character, plot, symbolism, and voice.
1. First sight: an introduction to literature -- 2. Ways of seeing: responding to literature -- 3. A personal view: the art of the essay -- 4. Reflected worlds: the elements of short fiction -- 5. The story's blueprint: plot and structure in short fiction -- 6. Telling their tales: character in short fiction -- 7. In that time and place: setting and character in short fiction -- 8. The author's voice: tone and style in short fiction -- 9. Suggested meanings: symbolism and allegory in short fiction -- 10. The sum of its parts: theme in short fiction -- 11. The sacred words: the elements of poetry --12. A sense of place: setting and character in poetry --13. Tools of the trade: words and images in poetry -- 14. Seeing anew: rhetorical figures in poetry -- 15. An echo to the sense: prosody and form in poetry -- 16. Distant voices: myth, symbolism, and allusion in poetry -- 17. Artful resonance: theme in poetry -- 18. Playing the part: character and actors in drama -- 19. Patterns of action: plot and conflict drama -- 20. Perspectives on illusion: setting and staging in drama -- 21. The vision quest: myth and symbolism in drama -- 22. A frame for meaning: theme in drama. 23. Casting long shadows: the power of literature -- 24. Continuing vision: the uses of literature.
Call Number: DVD 1118.01-.06
ISBN: 9781576807941
Publication Date: 1992, 720 min.