People who witness notable historic moments, either in real time or on film, remember forever how they felt at the time. Who can forget the shock of seeing the helicopter pushed off the USS Blue Ridge carrier at the Fall of Saigon in 1975, or the thrill of watching Neil Armstrong taking his first step onto the moon’s surface? Now you can experience these and tens of thousands of other historical moments in the same visceral way, with American History in Video.
At completion, American History in Video will include 2,000 total hours of streaming video content. More than half will be contemporaneous video from the 1890s to the 1980s. The early newsreels, including the complete series of United Newsreel and Universal Newsreel, available online in their entirety only in this collection, capture history as it was made and reported to viewers of the time.
Use the catalog to find books located in our library or eBooks, books available online. You will usually find videos in your search results, the ones that say "videorecording" or "motion picture" after their titles. EBooks can be opened from off campus if you go to the eBook database called Ebooks on EbscoHost and log in with your login, as you need to do for any Library database.
Catalog tips:
1) Our search box below is set to do a "Keyword" search, searching in all parts of the catalog for words or phrases. Use keywords that relate to your topic such as Civil War, Gilded Age or the name of a specific person.
2) Type a topic keyword or short phrase in the search box.
3) Click "Search" to run the search.
4) Searches automatically look in our Ron E. Lewis Library. Change to Lamar University's library by clicking the down arrow and highlighting "Mary & John Gray Library." Request one of their books by completing an inter-library loan form. Allow 4-5 working days and pick it up at our check-out desk.
5) Open our regular library catalog for more search options, such as a search for a specific title, author or subject when you know of a specific item. Use your browser's back arrow to return to this LibGuide.