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Distance Learning
- Library Resources widget in D2L: We have created a box (called a widget) on all of the D2L course home pages, right column, with links to the Library's research tools and research help resources along with other library links. It is our hope that instructors will incorporate needed links into their assignments and content pages especially a course LibGuide, or URL links into our subscription databases.
- LibGuides: Library Guides for specific courses and course assignments are in our LibGuides system. Please let us know if you need a guide created or edited for your course. Links to specific guides can be incorporated into your D2L course content. Call Mary McCoy (409) 882-3083 if you would like to link to a specific guide in your course content.
- Links to specific journal articles or media within databases: Persistent links (non-changing URLs) need their URLs edited to incorporate the campus authentication server (called ezproxy) for off-campus access. If you need help creating one of these links for D2L course content, call Bhagya Srinivasan (409) 882-3958 (ext. 3958).
- Add special D2L library content within your courses: A librarian with "teaching assistant" status can work with an instructor to create special library content for a course in D2L. If you are interested, contact Bhagya Srinivasan (409) 882-3958 (ext. 3958).
- Sending print materials to distant students: If a distant student lives further than 30 miles away from campus and is unable to pick up materials in person, we can send materials to them if they will email us using our "Ask a question" form, located on the Library home page under Research Help.